Tuesday 19 October 2010

Back To The Drawing BOard....

This was just another idea to put to the group useing a camera to visulise places/attractions around essex as most tourists or people that visit places have cameras so i thought to try and incorporate it with the essex theme...
Another idea was to use saxons as they where the first people to establish essex :)

Our Visit To See Elli

The Group wasnt 100 percent sure where to go with the project so we all decided to go see the client on the 8/10/2010 at 10:00 am !!!

On our visit to see the client we where able to collect loads of info that we didnt realy know or think about and it was also very intresting what she had to say about her views on essex as she is not essex born and also what she though about other peoples views on essex where but not just her views also the knowledge she had given us...

I found out how essex became essex from the east saxsonz ahich where originally germans!! :O

Things to think about after the meeting:

  • The big divide between north and south essex
  • Age group 25-30
  • Atmosphere in the county
  • Interaction?
  • Experiences
  • Hsitoric buildings - what it was like before?
  • How can i feel apart of essex
  • Doing something
  • Forming a relationship with essex
  • And most important of all how essex is portrayed to outsiders the people in the community i.e CHAVS

Inital Ideas

Reaction To Brief

My first thoughts are that it could be quiet intresting as i have not visited everywhere in essex and it would be exciting to discover what other attractions/places i may find which i never knew about as well as finding a place we all think could express essex in animations... i think it will be a challenge to change peoples impressions of essex and express them in animations as there are quiet a few big attractions already well known, i think it would be good to also show off other parts of essex which are just as good...