Sunday 21 November 2010

Kelvdon Hatch Nuclear Bunker...

Final Render image For Postcards

Bunker in Scenery adding trees and other bits n bobs....

Final render of bunker

i had a problem with the glass i was using to relfect the image through the window which i though woud be a good affect during the animation as i couldnt get it to reflect i decided to delete the polygons n leave it blank so u could see some of the bunker inside which i though would be really cool...creating the window in the middle of the house...

This is my bunker scene using a sphere and a plane. the sphere i have used a new tool called hemisphere which can chop the sphere in half to help me make a sky scene to my bunker. i then added modifiers to the spher i first added a normal, then uvw mapping to add a scene inside the sphere... i added a gradient modifer to this so i used 3 differnt colour bluse to create the sky scene. to smooth it all over so i had no straight edges sticking out i added a turbosmooth to make it all round.
final roof
Roof Complete First Attempt i am now going to apply this method to my bunker roof ..
i created a plane and selected the edges i needed and using connect tool to select how many tiles i want to divide my roof up by as this was a quick trial my edges where not completely straight which gave a couple of complicated shapes further on when dividin up the polly. i used the chamfer tool to create more edges and the dip and also moved all the bottom vertices to make the shape more definate. i learnt how to use the slice plane tool whilst making the roof which is something i never used before, this came in handy when creating the horizantal lines and clicking slice. after my shape was complte i used the exturde tool to give the 3d effect to the tiles. i also used the tool smooth on the roof to smooth it over.

Rough guide of where things are on the house...
For the project we all decided to go to the nuclear bunker as we need images to model it as well the bois thought it would be fun! so We Grabbed a Camera and took loads of images and this i reckon will be a challenge to model as there are soo many things in the bunker to model looks like i better get to work :)

Monday 1 November 2010

Cycling Through Essex...

This is a Model of a person i made to go on my bike to put a biped in and use in my scenes...

i have made a model of a human for my bike to cycle through essex...
Final Model Of Bike (first Version)
Using the same techniques as the tyre tread i applied the same to the grips on the handel bars

this is a part made to connet to the handle bars

to creat this wheel on the bike i used illustrator to create the shap that i need to get as it was quiete a complcated shape to make so i need to imoport it in and change it to editable poly to extrude and then pply to my model.

To create the material of the metal on the bike i went to render setup> common> assign render> and change two of the settings to mental ray to give you a more selection of materials...

i found this tutorial online which helped me develop some new skills ...

Bike Progress

Using The Symmetry tool i cut the bike in half to make it easier to edit and i learnt a new thing using the symnmetry how to weld it together by editing the weld threshold which is somthing i never did before jus by playin about with the icons...
inner wheel used a star helix to create a shape and then used the loft tool to make it 3d :) using the options i then sorted out how many spikes i wanted and the shaped it adding raduises to the sline then convertied it to an editable poly and then extruded the face to make it 3d.

This was my first attempt at making a tyre there was lots of different ways to make it i used a cylinder and used the bevel and extrude tools to create the tyre tread... then i added another cylinder inside to creat a more 3d effect..

i found a way to connect the cylinders better and more acuratly i have decided to use the same cylinder using the same size amount of polygons so there all the same sizes and they will match up correctly and then alline them up so that they are even and then using the cut tool cut around the cylinder for where i want to join them and then using the vertex tool and snap the vertexs together so that i am then able to weld them together to creat my shape of my bike...
this is the second bike i have decided to use...

This was my first attempt at trying to model a bike but this didnt come out very well as i didnt reali think about the amount of pollys i was using in the cylinder which made it hard to model as the cylinders where all different sizes.... so i decided to restart my model of the bike and find a better way to connect the cylinders together to get a nice welding shape!

Cycling Through Essex...

Our Final Idea ...

After Our presentation in class, We decided our Final Idea is to creat a stand of animated postcards that will show the top 10 essex attractions that we think people in the age group of 25-35 will want to go visit and appeal to them....

The attractions i have choosen to model are Cycling Around Essex, Kelvedon Hatch Secret Bunker, Southend Pier & Advanture Island..