Friday 10 December 2010

Went Didnt Go Soo Well...

However there where some problems during the project i had let the group down a bit by leaving things last minute which left out the scene of southend in the project which i was a bit dissapointed about but i did get quite a few animations done... i would like to have done some of the video editing and gettin more involved in the group work...

I had a few problems rendering as some files as some files where saving as compressed files which was really annoyin as i didnt kno until after i waited hours for it to render also changing the resloution it is rendering at was effecting it so the loweer it was the faster but then it was poor quality so it made it hard to get a perfect render...

i had some problems with the bike i modelled and i would go back and re model it differntly so that i can move the bike more freely like the handle bars with the wheel so it could turn..

i found that overall in the project i learnt that in the animation i concentrated too much on the modelling side and i would have like to have spent a bit more time doin differnt animations..

What Went Well...

i felt overall the project was quiet a challenge to begin with as we was all a bit not sure where to go with the brief but after a few meetings with elli i felt that it pushed the project into a good direction and opened our minds to better ideas in the end... ALso Taking trips to the places we choose to model help because then u could see how to model things but allso get a sense of the enviroment around wahat we was modelimg...

i had a bit of help from team members when i got stuck like using the biped which was really helpful as it let me constrate on other parts of the animation like moving the bike... i was glad that i managed to get it moving as it felt lik i had achived something and learnt quiet a few new techniques.....

I think our final animation came together really well in the end and that the theme of the postcards was a really good idea as it brought all the animations together...

Animating The Bike & Finishing Up...

Final scene.. in the scene floor i used a bitmap in edsmax and change the settings..
Creating a Scene....

i have used a image of a nice scenic place the hylands park for the background of my cycling image on a plane..

i realised when i finally got my bike moving i needed a bike chain :(.... so i decided to make a quick mock up of a chain and use a spline and then using the sweep tool to create a 3d shape i also edited it using the settings to change the sizes and then applied my material to move it didnt need to be animated as it did not notice as i played my animation...

i fixed the women on the bike but the model was a bit dogy so i used the guy instead as i moved the women using the biped some of the polygons where sticking out, i think its because when it was being attached to the biped it must have left one of the vertices out.

To animate the wheels i grouped all the spokes and tyres together and then i used the Motion tab> assign controller. Expanded the Y rotation to change its controller type. i used a new tool called waveform controller to adjust the settings and get it spinning 360 on the Y axis.

To animate the bike i had to change the design of the pedal as it was making it difficult for the pedals to rotate. to do this i added 3 splines to the middle and using the link tool i linked the pedals to the middle of the bike to make them spin together. To make sure it was correct i went to the Utility panel > more > Link inheritance.